




A Game for from Three to Five Players


     The object of each player is to buy, sell, build, trade, work, or by any other means within the rules of the game to so increase his properties, money, and advantages that he has the most money at the end of the game time limit.

     The game consists of a board, five tokens, 40 Houses, 40 Wage Checks, 16 Idle Land cards, 18 Share cards, 21 Deed cards, 18 SO WHAT cards, a pair of dice, and a package of paper money.

     A Banker and a Government Official should be appointed from among the players. The Banker can read the rules aloud; the Government Official can distribute the cards. Houses, money, and other equipment. The Banker - as Banker - handles all banking and cashes the Wage Checks for all play. The Government Official collects all taxes when due.

     For four players shuffle all 18 Share cards and all 21 Deed cards together with 9 Idle Land cards. Distribute the entire 48 cards among the players. (Note: For three or five players take only six Idle Land cards.) Place the remaining Idle Land cards face down in the center of the board.

     Give each player one House and $2,500 in paper money. Shuffle the 18 SO WHAT cards, and place them face down in a pile by themselves in the center of the board near the Idle Land cards. Then place the four kinds of Wage Checks on the outer edge of their proper side of the board.

     Place your token on the spot marked "GO," throw the dice and move forward to the left, following the red dotted line. Consult the rule applying to the space to which you move, and act accordingly.



     1.  WAGES AND RENT:  If you own the lot on which you stop, take an appropriate Wage Check. If you do not own the lot, pay the required rent to the Landlord (holder of the Title Deed) before taking your Wage Check. Keep your Wage Check and get it cashed at the end of the round. No Wages are collected on any but green spaces.

     2.  ENGLISH VILLAGE  (Section C) : This is a foreign-owned lot and there is no corresponding Title Deed for it in the game. Pay the required Rent to the Banker, who lays it aside for "Lord Blueblood," the imaginary foreign landlord.

     3.  LORD BLUEBLOOD'S ESTATE  (Section D): If you stop here you are trespassing and must go to Jail (section B): Before moving out of Jail on your next turn you must pay a bail of $500 to the Banker, throw the dice again and proceed in the usual way along the track, starting your count on the SO WHAT space to the left of the Jail.

     4.  THE FRONTIER:  The two Frontier spaces (WAYBACK and BACKWOODS) are Rent Free and Tax Free, have no Deed cards and are entirely apart from the rest of Section A. You may move back to one of these Frontier lots whenever you choose (in your turn) unless or until the Frontier is closed. For instance: If at any time or place during the game you do not have sufficient cash to meet a payment due and cannot make a satisfactory deal with your opponent, you may move your token to either one of the Frontier spaces (unless closed) and receive directly from the Banker $300, the specified Wages earned on such location. On your next turn move forward to the left as usual.

     5.  CLOSING THE FRONTIER:  When there are four or more Houses anywhere in Section A, the Frontier is no longer Free Land and each Frontier lot then rents for $100, although the Wages .remain the same as before, $300.

     The player who puts the fourth House anywhere in Section A, thus doubling the rent of the entire section, takes over as owner the two Frontier lots. (There are no cards for these lots. They represent the margin of cultivation.)


     6.  SPECULATION:  When you are in a Real Estate Office you are there for the purpose of speculating in Idle Land and may either buy from or sell to the board as many Idle Land cards as you choose to the number of


five; but you cannot both buy and sell in the same turn. Idle Land cards may be bought from the Banker for $200 each and sold back to the board, in your next turn in the Real Estate Office, for the amount indicated on the card. The selling prices vary from $400 to $3,000.


     7.  RAILROADS:  There are three Railroad Lines: The Lickety-Cut, the Gee Whiz, and the P. D. Q., the main depots of each being in one or another of the corners of the board. Each Railroad has two terminals which mark the limits within which you may move, in either direction, after paying your Railroad Fare to each Shareholder of the Railroad on which you are riding. If you yourself own all the Shares of that Railroad you would, of course, have nothing to pay; but be sure to collect the proper Railroad Fare from every other player using one of your Railroads.


     8.  LOCAL PUBLIC UTILITIES:  There are three Local Public Utilities: The Slambang Trolley in Section B, the Soakum Lighting System in Section C, and the Ting-a-ling Telephone Co., in Section D. There are three Share cards for each Utility. For every such Share card that you hold you are entitled to collect payment for the use of such Utility by any other player.

     The Slambang Trolley in Section B is the only Utility in this group which permits a second move in one turn. After the required fare has been paid you may move to any other space within Section B, not counting the corner Railroads.


     9.  SO WHAT SPACES:  About the center of each Section is a large blue circle entitled "SO WHAT ?" These blue circles, together with the various little blue numbered dots scattered about the board, represent both Public and Private Improvements, the Public ones bearing the symbol of the Flag. When your token stops on one of these large SO WHAT circles, draw a card from the SO WHAT pile on the board and follow the directions as far as it is possible to do so within the section where you are. Return the drawn card to the pack.

     During the course of the game, players drawing SO WHAT cards having small "purchase-and-tax" combinations should make total payments to the Banker, rather than trouble to separate purchase cost and taxes.

     9-a.  ATTENTION, Dealer!  If "So What" cards 17 and 18 are drawn early in the game, fascinating sidelights of economic law will be revealed to the players.


spots up, you would receive $900 from the Banker, but to get to the Island you must first pay to the Banker whatever boat fare is marked on the No. 17 SO WHAT card. See Note X below.

     If you draw a SO WHAT card marked "100 % Site Value Tax Law," every player, in his turn, must now pay all the rent, as due, to the Government - and no taxes are collected at the end of each round on any property whatsoever, except on Railroads and Local Public Utilities. As most of these properties represent land value, you must now pay to the Government $60 on each Utility card you hold. See Note X below.

     NOTE X.  Place this SO WHAT card face up on the board where it remains in force until some other player lands on a SO WHAT space; then return it to the pack, and reshuffle before the next player draws.

In your next turn begin to count from the "So What" space which you left when you jumped to the Island.


     LA SWELLE HOTEL:  In Section D you will find La SWELLE HOTEL. When your token stops here you must pay your Hotel Bill of $200 to the Banker, providing it will leave you with a total of at least $2,000 after such payment. If you do not have at least $2,200 in cash, you pay nothing, but throw the dice again and move backward for that one turn and follow the rule or obligation pertaining to the space upon which you land.

     END OF A ROUND:  At the end of each round, STOP, regardless of what your dice registers beyond the corner point, get your Wage Checks cashed by the Banker, and pay your taxes to the Government Official. To avoid the time and trouble of making an exact accounting of taxes, pay a lump sum of $300 at the end of first round, and $500 at the end of the second (or more) rounds IF THE LAND RENT ON EVERY SIDE OF THE BOARD HAS BEEN DOUBLED. In case of a very closely contested game, consult your cards.

     If the SO WHAT 100% site value tax is in force at the time, taxes (Ground Rent) will be collected on Lots during play, and not at end of round. No tax whatsoever on Houses.


the player who has the most money when the last player to begin has completed his second round and paid his Taxes, or when some player breaks the Bank. Players who have completed their second round keep on playing until the last player to begin the game has completed his second round.

All inquiries regarding this game will be answered by the originator of the game, Mrs. Elizabeth Magie Phillips, 2309 North Custis Road, Arlington, Va., if a 3-cent stamped envelope is enclosed.



  1939 Landlord's Game - Rules Introduction
  1939 Landlord's Game - Retail Rule Set
  1939 Landlord's Game - Game Images

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