In 1906, Lizzie Magie (Phillips) released The Landlord's Game published by The Economic Game Company, New York. The game contained Georgist single tax rules and monopolistic rules (
Monarch of the World). Many of the basic elements of this early publication were the same as those found in Magie's original monopoly game. This game version has been features TV shows, books, magazines, and newspapers, and is one of the rarest of collectable games. Much better than looking at photos is to own one for yourself…
Now you can have an opportunity to own a high quality replica of the original!

This edition release is planned is the first to include the full original card set and made with great care to match the original in every way possible, just as if you bought it in 1906. It will be offered by yourPlay™ owned by Thomas Forsyth, who has spent 20 years researching the game history, consulted on numerous publications, and brings you this web site.